Thursday, July 15, 2010

If only...

If only life could sometimes be as simple as a vanilla ice cream cone...


Hi from Ruth! said...

But kinda boring all the same, don't you think?!

Maybe we could all use a little boredom about now!


Ashleigh said...

Hope you're doing okay Laura. I think of you lots. Hopefully Imagine is too :)
...and I concur about the simplicity wish

alicia said...

Yes, I would like the adoption part of my life to be that cone. lol In the meantime I may have to take up something obscene like scrapbooking or baking to pass the time.

Anonymous said...


Since I heard of your story this past summer, my heart went out to you. I know this may sound strange since its been about 20 years since we've known eachother, but every once and awhile I check your blog to see if there has been any update on your child coming home to you.

For what it is worth, I am wishing all the best for you and your family and I hope you will welcome your child home soon.

You seem like a very strong woman and a wonderful mother. I will hope for the best for you.

Stephanie Claude

Derrick, Alysia, and Levi said...

Oh Laura. I think about you so much even though we have never met and am praying for your family, the three of you and the member that you have not yet met, but who you are waiting so eagerly for. I know that probably doesn't make you feel any better, but I know there are people all over the country rooting for you and who will be celebrating when you get "the call."

Chad, Laura, Sara and Seth said...

Wow Stephanie, it has been a really long time – and thanks for reminding me of how old we are getting :) – 20 years? Really?

Your thoughts really mean a lot and your comment made me smile – thank you. I remember receiving your comment last year too, but I was not in a very good place last year to reply. Thank you for caring about our journey – it is comforting to know that we have so many amazing people surrounding us with hope and encouragement.

I truly hope that the next time you log onto my blog I have more to post about then ice cream…


emily said...

I too think about you lots. I feel lame commenting sometimes b/c I know I've said it all before and I just don't know what to say. I just want you to have so good news SOON DAMN IT!!!!


Ashleigh said...

LAURA - ARE YOU PEEING YOUR PANTS YET????? (i'm assuming you've seen the boards) :)

Coldwater Mom said...

But then it was Friday...

Ramona said...


I wish you life wasn't at all like a vanilla cone- I want to see something happy and joyful in your life and on this blog. Something kinda like finding a piece of bubble gum in a bubble gum cone (when you're a kid of course!)... This is ridiculous!
