I think I’ll be drinkin’ this weekend – nothin’ like a little wine to numb the pain. Probably better we didn't get our referral anyway - just think how distracted we would be all weekend long, right?
Come frickin' on already - just give a girl a break...
Just received word that our approval letter is ready - it will be sent out early next week. But this still doesn't help with anything that could of happened this week... I know some people must think I am crazy (or overreacting) for thinking that this week could have been different from any other week. But the fact that I will now never know just doesn't sit right.
oh Laura, I'm sorry, this is all such a bummer. :( I am sending wishes for speedy provincial approval your way.
That is so horrible news. Waiting for our gov. so you can have your baby, just wrong. I'm so sorry for all the crap you have had to deal with. It's your turn, you deserve it, so common gov of MB get on it...
Hey chicka... I wish we could get together this weekend and celebrate BEING fabulous and being alive...
hugs L
Oh Laura, that sucks. I was told in December that as long as everything was in before the court date it was fine...hmmm. Can you call the province or your social worker? If it was me I'd be on the phone to the government. I've done that a few times and had my hand slapped from my social worker but I didn't care. Drink away friend. You deserve it. If I lived closer I'd supply you a weekend's worth out of Sid's cellar (he makes home made wine). I may just have a drink for you. Sigh.
Thanks Tammy for confirming that I am not completely crazy (well, I guess that is debatable), because I was told the exact same thing not too long ago.
Laura, I was told the same thing and believed them. I did this update at a casual pace and now we are let waiting forever for our gov. A little frustrated. Send me a bottle of wine please.
What the $&*#%$??????? This sucks Laura. I'm so sorry, I hope this update comes through fast. And I agree with Tammy, maybe phoning will help???
Glad to hear it is ready. I hope you get it in the mail in record time and I'm sure you'll be off to the post office the same minute you receive it to send it expresspost. Your week is coming. This is good. Now back to that drinking, lol!
Oh man, this is just rotten as in "there is something rotten in the state of Denmark" only it's not Denmark it's Ethiopia ;P
O.k. just sent you a message about Sunday, August 1!
We are getting the guest bedroom ready for your overnight stay you better take the 2 hour detour :)
You are coming to Saskatoon?!! if you have a few minutes to spare I'd love to come and say hi! I can bike over to Rana's to say hello-- I live only a few minutes away.
Also, I too was told about a month ago that I did not need my update in to get a referral. Now I am freaking out. I haven't even got it to my social worker yet.
I'd love to hear how and why it has now changed. If you find anything out, please let me know!!! So glad I have our SW coming this week even though our DTE is Sept. Man. Happy to hear your docs at w/ the province.
OK. Getting this province to give approval can take too long...and Any extra minute let alone day or week is too long already people! Uggh!!! Ugghh!!! UGgghhH!!!!
There are so many of us waiting with you, Laura. And this is just one too many delays...
I'm so sorry to hear that Laura, I hope you can sent it this week to Imagine or will they sent it straight there!! I think the rollercoaster has to come to an end this month! It has been long enough!
Feeling with you, i'm right there!!
You aren't crazy. If you are, then we all are!!
This sucks majorly. I would definately skip the SW and go right to the Gov too! Good Luck! I hope your letter gets to Imagine on Monday! Hope you had a good weekend drinking ;) I may have to start now although it is Sunday morning b/c our approval expires in September without an update in sight...
I am soooo sorry Laura.
yeah for the provincial approval letter!
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