Thursday, July 09, 2009

It dawned on me the other day...

that the likelihood of getting a referral during court closures this year (August and September) is NIL, NADA, ZILCH, ZIP. With the new process of all children having to go through regional court approval before they can be referred means two months of static, stale, dead air, with no hope of moving forward for anyone. We will be sitting in limbo for over two months until courts regroup again in the fall.

I am really hoping that I am wrong, but what are the chances of regional courts staying open when federal courts close. I am still waiting to hear the details of all this...but I can already predict the I am sure you can too...

This sucks...


Dancin' Momma said...

Maybe not, the reason the federal courts close is because of the rainy season and how difficult it is to travel during that season from outside of Addis. Regional courts obviously would not have that issue (since they only serve their immediate area) and therefore should have no reason to close. I hope I am not giving you false hope, but I think you should be ok.

The Warren Family said...

I was wondering the same thing, tried asking my cw about it and she didn't seem to really know. Let me know if you hear anything re. this. I know this wait is getting very depressing)-:

Lavonne said...

i'm right there with you...the whole process sucks. actually i can think of a few other choice words to use but won't do that here!

Lorie said...

There's a chance they could still come. Eyob's referral was proposed to us WEEKS after the regional court date.

I know from experience that nothing anyone can say makes this crazy wait any better. Please know that I truly feel for all of you still waiting. I haven't forgotten the pain of the not knowing.


Sarah Rodgerson said...

oh, I hadn't even thought of court closures affecting referrals due to regional court dates....I am really hoping this is not the case and that referrals can keep coming during closures.