Friday, September 11, 2009

What a morning to remember...

Sara started her first day of kindergarten today - not only is my little baby girl growing up, which is difficult for me already, but this is how our morning went...
Notice the boys with big smiles on their faces, waving good-bye to mom. Notice the look on Sara's face while holding the teacher's hand - not quite the same expression. She had just been torn off my leg from a death grip by the teacher, crying "Mommy, I want to go home. Mommy, please take me home." And all I could do was snap pictures as quickly as I could, so we have something to look back one day - what a morning to remember. I actually laughed (I know, I am a sick mother) all the way to work, knowing very well that the moment she got inside that she would be just fine...which I was right. When we picked her up, she did not stop for a minute telling us all the 'cool' things about kindergarten.


Dancin' Momma said...

Ahhhhh poor girl! Growing up is tough!

Jenny said...

That is priceless. Yes she will be absolutely fine!You are a good mommy to let her go!


Jess said...

Good for you to just send her in! :) lots of parents break down with their kids!
Glad to see you voted yes (of course)... I haven't voted yet... mostly because I want to bring home my girls and I want to know that we will be helped in doing so. Waiting for more answers....

Derrick, Alysia, and Levi said...

Hi Laura,
Thanks for the message you left on my blog, and for the link to your friend's blog. What a precious post! Wow, I loved that! I have to admit, that is the direction we are leaning. It just seems more right for us right now. I sure is hard though.
Thanks again.

Heidi said...

A person shouldn't laugh, but you just can't help it when you see that picture. Thanks for the smile!


Janice said...

I love it, I wish I had my camera on Noah's first, second or third day. He actually skipped the last few steps to the door of the school today and walked right in.

Thanks for your post on my blog. It feels good to be back. I'm determined to stay positive until we know more.


shannon said...

Just a fast hello to wish you all the best as we work our way through this hard weekend,
Hold on everyone we are soooo close and the YES vote will be in !
Please head over to facebook and add to the WHY WE VOTED YES ! It is a great read , I am waiting to hear your words I am hoping by the end of the weekend to have hundreds of YES stories, so please help and ask anyone you know who voted to head over.
I think it will help many with this hard weekend.
Great thoughts