Monday, May 03, 2010

To Be Guinea Pigs - That is the Answer...

We found out late last week that we will in deed be travelling for court. I enquired with our agency on whether they thought we might still be able to make the court deadline of May 9th if we got our referral within the next week and we were told, in no uncertain terms that "it will not be possible to beat the deadline".

I have been holding onto so much hope lately, trying not to let things get to me too much. But when I got this news, I just lost it - literally, I was in the middle of a course and tears started welling up and I had to bolt for the door, I found an empty classroom and began "the ugly cry" and cried and cried and cried and cried. It's not like I didn't think that travelling for court was not going to be a possibility - it was hearing it so matter-of-fact. There have been many things piling up lately, and this news (as unsurprising as it may have seemed) was the straw that broke my emotions - and I have not cried like that in a very long time.

We will also be starting our homestudy update this week and that has been a very hard pill to swallow - but I have had my big cry and pity party and now we move forward...we really have no other choice, do we?


Derrick, Alysia, and Levi said...

I'm so sorry Laura. But surely there must be some good news just around the corner. I keep thinking that for us, too, but then I have days like yesterday, where it seems soooooo far off still and I wonder if it will ever happen. But it will, for us all. I have to keep telling myself that. Take care, and know that you're not alone.


Tammy said...

I think of you every day and wonder how you are holding up. I hope that in the next stage of the journey things start falling into place because with everything you've been through you so deserve some peace.
I had my melt down the day the rumours started flying about the possibility of 2 trips and now I've just had to let it go because like you say...what else can we do, right?
I hope your referral comes soon so that you can feel joy and excitement.
Thinking of you. :)

Ramona said...

Oh Laura. I was so so so hoping for other news for you guys. So hoping. How has it come to this? Such a long wait and then this on top! I'm here for you...hoping and trusting it will happen, and that the 2 trips will work out...and that I can be standing at the bottom of the escalator cheering you home like you did for us!

Sharla said...

sorry. I wish you'd gotten better news today and I hope that some positive will come out of the two trip thing.

Coldwater Mom said...

I think you should think of this two trip thing as exciting and an adventure. It's a wonderful country, so enjoy the adventure.

I think of your always. Trust, cry, and hold tight to Sarah.


Lavonne said...

so so sorry...